Grid connector

Grid size: 1
Line width: 1
Circle spacing: 1
Circle radius: 1
Mark intersecting edges
Mark connected vertices
Auto connect circles
Vertices connected: 0 / 0
Total connections: 0
d(G): 0
Import / Export type:


- Hold left mouse button: connect circles with an edge.
- Hold right mouse button: disconnect circles by removing edge between them (if there is one).
- CTRL+Z: undo connection.
- CTRL+Y: redo connection.

Import/Export formats

Connection list

Connection list format is intended as universal format that allows importing/exporting any type of graph.

Format description:
- grid_size ∈ [1; 50]
- edge_i_from_idx, edge_i_to_idx ∈ [1; grid_size * grid_size]
Example with 5x5 grid:

Vertex list

Vertex list format is intended to import/export only a single walk in the graph.

Format description:
- grid_size ∈ [1; 50]
- vertex_i_idx ∈ [1; grid_size * grid_size]
Example with 5x5 grid:

Connection chain

Connection chain format is intended to import/export only a single walk in the graph.
Unlike connection list format, this format make sure that edge_(i)_to_idx always matches edge_(i+1)_from_idx

Format description:
- grid_size ∈ [1; 50]
- edge_i_from_idx, edge_i_to_idx ∈ [1; grid_size * grid_size]
Example with 5x5 grid:


This page was made to aid solving graph connection related problems.

Problem 1: Given Hamiltonian cycle whose edges do not self-intersect, find such cycle that maximises d(G).
Problem formulas

Problems author: Giedrius Alkauskas